My name is Linda Reichenbach and I am an art quilter living in Parkdale, OR. I started crafting at an early age with cross stitch, knitting, and needle punch rugs. Anything I could learn about crafts, I did. I did not learn to sew until after I was married; when my husband’s mother took me under her wing and I fell in love with sewing. I learned the basics, tried everything from free motion embroidery, piecing, and clothing to upholstery and draperies. I also taught sewing classes to children and adults. I began selling products at Saturday market in Eugene, OR such as clothing, baby carriers, and toy bags. I also dabbled in wedding gowns, jeans, and lingerie. I found such pleasure in producing items that people loved.
I then found art quilting back in 2013 when I entered my first quilt into a local show. I was fortunate enough to win first prize that year and decided this is the direction I would like to go. It seemed to kick-start something in me and I have been pursuing art quilting ever since.
I am a free spirit quilter that specializes in one-of-a-kind ideas. Each idea springs forward and I start the creative process by seeing the finished product in my head, then figuring out how to make it happen. I know what fabrics to use, what thread colors there will be, and the type of design I see coming together. Sometimes the process is easy but sometimes my plan A has to keep changing until the picture becomes clear. I belong to two wonderful quilting groups where I can bounce ideas off of people and they can help with suggestions to my challenges.
I find this type of art very interesting and rewarding. I never know what the next project will be until I roll some ideas around in my head. I am inspired by things I see in life and online, especially landscapes, animals, and ocean life. I enjoy the creative process and I am looking forward to future endeavors.
(503) 828-8780
Parkdale, Oregon